Monday, July 27, 2020

How to Evaluate Big Data for HR Recruiting in 4 Easy Steps - Workology

How to Evaluate Big Data for HR Recruiting in 4 Easy Steps - Workology How to Evaluate Big Data for HR Recruiting You probably thought that the #BigDataHR madness was over as our themed week here at Blogging4Jobs came to a close on Saturday. Were closing down the week on Thursday, 4/17 with our What the Big Deal with Big Data for HR Recruiting webinar at 11 AM EST. You can register here. Ive just put the finishing touches on the slides, and its a whole lot of awesome. How to Evaluate Big Data for HR Recruiting Contrary to the thought of many who work in HR and Recruiting big data doesnt have to be complicated. It is quite simple and most of you already have the data points in which to begin analyzing and evaluating that helps you and your team to 1) Establish patterns, 2) Predict the unpredictable and 3) Decrease uncertainty. There are four steps when it comes to adding big data to your HR and recruiting arsenal. So lets get started. Shall we? Step 1: Establish Goals Priorities for Your Big Data This is a good idea when kicking off any type of new project, program or workplace initiative. You must have goals and priorities in order to understand exactly why, what and how you are doing. Otherwise you will be lost. There will be uncertainty and push back from all points including business leaders, peers and other parties. When I think about big data, I like to take the lead from social networks like Facebook, Google, and Twitter who were some of the first to employ data scientists to develop algorithms, analyze and manage data and establish patterns. These sites use the information that you provide and the billions of other users through private messages, status updates and other activities to sell advertising while also working to make hopefully a better experience for you. They trust the data and use it to decrease risk and increase visibility for those who choose to pay for Facebook marketing campaigns. Step 2: Collect the Data Once you have your priorities and goals established you can begin to collect your data. Keep in mind that as HR and recruiters who already have much of the data we need. There are two sources of data: 1) internal and 2) external. Internal databases exist in plenty including forecasting for vacation and sick day planning, candidate databases such as your applicant tracking system and talent community or even your assessment and candidate testing data. They are information that is contained or can be collected within your organization versus external sources that are outside of your company. The external sources are the data points Im personally most excited about. These are data from public sources including social media and other networks where individuals who are candidates as well as customers are sharing freely. Companies often use the data customers share on their experiences to establish better company practices and processes. The same can happen for your candidate experience, targeted recruiting efforts or experience for existing employees. Step 3: Analyze the Data Analyzing the data is the most complex and can be extremely overwhelming. Its likely that you have millions, billions or even trillions of data. Its not something that your staffing spreadsheet can handle. It requires a software or technology to manage, organize and help establish patterns in the data. This means making a purchase in some type of technology and the likely investment in hiring a consultant or data scientist who specializes in this type of thing. My favorite type of way to display and also analyze the data is with the use of a dashboard. It helps transform complex data into simple visual aids and graphics that you can easily see, relate too and pop into your powerpoint for that business meeting. Step 4: Drive the Change Data is only as good as the action that is taken. Why go to the effort of collecting and analyzing the data if you dont plan on using the information to drive a change. Big data is part of what I consider the performance of now. It gives us insights and trends into the marketplace that were are analyzing. This means taking actionable steps as a result of your data instead now instead of waiting 2 weeks, 4 weeks or six months after you receive the data. Otherwise all your hard work is worth nothing. Big data provides an amazing resource in helping businesses including HR to make better and more informed decisions looking at the landscape at a larger scale or a different way. The data isnt one hundred percent. Take Google for example, they developed an algorithm that could predict the flu outbreak called Flu Trends. It  worked fine for a number of years until the market changed. This change could be an anomaly or it could be part of the even bigger picture and patterns that we dont see. Big data is a guide, but like nothing in life it is not foolproof. It allows you to arm yourself with more data, knowledge and resources, and in our line of work where the people are the assets, more information to make better decisions is a very good thing.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Manuscripts Sought for Special Journal Issue on Sustainable Li...

Compositions Sought for Special Journal Issue on Sustainable Li... Compositions Sought for Special Journal Issue on Sustainable Li... Compositions Sought for Special Journal Issue on Sustainable Life Cycle Engineering The ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering is presently tolerating compositions for a unique issue regarding the matter of supportable life cycle designing. The cutoff time to present a paper for the exceptional issue is April 15, 2018. The unique issue, which is together supported by the Design Engineering Division (DED) and the Manufacturing Engineering Division (MED), is planned as a methods for analysts to share their work on the job of structure choices and rising assembling approaches for settling todays monetary, social and natural difficulties. The visitor editors for this uncommon issue, which is booked for distribution in February 2019, are looking for entries that focus on plan and assembling centered standards identified with manageability, including decrease of materials and vitality use, replacement of renewables to supplant non-inexhaustible materials, decrease in bothersome natural emanations, squander decrease, plan and assembling strategies for shutting the item life cycle circle, re-designing the structure of assembling undertakings, and new plans of action and ideal models to impact increasingly reasonable assembling rehearses. Papers for the issue may cover an assortment of subjects, including manageable structure and assembling standards; business and social results of economical plan; new life cycle demonstrating techniques and appraisal; rehearses for successful maintainable plan and assembling instruction; maintainability of Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things-empowered socio-specialized frameworks; novel measurements for supportability unequivocally plotting metric development and evaluation; data sharing stages for manageability; inventive plan of feasible frameworks; contextual analyses of reasonable structure and assembling by and by; and rising processing advancements and models for maintainability. The visitor editors for the unique issue are Sara Behdad, Ph.D., the State University of New York at Buffalo, U.S.A.; William Z. Bernstein, Ph.D., National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S.A.; and Karl R. Haapala, Ph.D., Oregon State University, U.S.A. Compositions ought to be put together by April 15 utilizing the ASME Journal Tool, situated at Writers who as of now have a record should sign in and select Submit Paper at the base of the page. Creators who don't yet have a record ought to go to the New Users page, select Submissions and follow the bit by bit bearings. Creators ought to pick Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering when they arrive at the Paper Submittal page, and afterward select the uncommon issue Sustainable Life Cycle Engineering. For more data on the ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, visit To study the ASME Journals Program, visit

Monday, July 13, 2020

Is your attitude about your age stalling your job search - Hire Imaging

Is your demeanor about your age slowing down your pursuit of employment - Hire Imaging As a lifelong mentor, I'm fortunate to work with a wide range old enough gatherings. Albeit each and every customer has an intriguing story and incentive to offer, I discover working with individuals ages 50+ especially entrancing. Some portion of my advantage is in their various perspectives on maturing as it identifies with vocation â€" no, life â€" change. It is safe to say that you are old or more seasoned? A year ago, I had three customers with whom I trained on vocation progress. All had been cut back out of their occupations. All were investigating subsequent stages. At the hour of our work together, Maria was 59. She said she needed to keep working in her field as a frameworks expert. We arranged profession advertising reports, and trained around her pursuit of employment. Only three weeks into her inquiry, Maria disclosed to me she had chosen to resign. She stated, I dread I'm developing old and starting to look and feel it. I would prefer not to be 59. I need to look youthful and be youthful. I'm most certainly not. I would offer anything to turn around the clock. Maria doesn't acknowledge her age. She's overcome with second thoughts, and it's hindering her making the most of her present life. All the more significantly, it's impeding arranging her future. Beverly, age 63, is a scaled down teacher. We refreshed her resume and instructed around meeting. She's arranging an excursion to South Korea, where she will instruct English. She let me know, The experience of working in an alternate culture in another nation keeps me invigorated and energized. Consistently is another shock. It's totally different from my old workplace. One more customer, Henry, 76 and scaled back from his second profession in deals, shared, I watch out, however I don't know whether there's work fit for me at this moment. On the off chance that that is retirement, I'm fine with it. I generally have activities. I remain dynamic. I ride my bicycle and hit the exercise center five days per week. I have a zillion ventures in my workshop. What's more, one week from now I start classes at the junior college. Beverly and Henry acknowledge their age and view themselves as lively grown-ups. They are productive, loaded with life and hopeful about what's to come. Maria is trapped. Acknowledge or reject? Obviously we as a whole realize that we must choose the option to age insofar as we're on this side of the grass. What's more, I won't deny that having an uplifting mentality toward maturing and the shape your all consuming purpose will take regularly requires a comical inclination and the capacity to not be impacted by the flood of broad communications messages attempting to persuade you that excellence and youth go connected at the hip. A week ago, I saw an advertisement that said Who wouldn't like to look a large portion of their age? Face it; a new more youthful appearance is a hot item. However. What's the purpose of looking 30 when you're 60? That it is so dismal to continue battling for a picture that is no longer you, instead of acknowledging and tolerating who you are currently. In a period when these media messages destroy us from all bearings, we have to advise ourselves that regardless of what our age, we as a whole have a special flawlessness. Discover your motivation How can one get and keep that uplifting demeanor toward maturing? I don't have a precious stone ball, however I accept that having champions who inspire assists with any objective. With maturing, my very own motivation was Helen, whom I knew through a global relationship of ladies devoted to instruction. Helen spent a couple of years back at 95 years old. During the five years before that, she achieved a deep rooted objective of her own â€" to visit each and every one of the seven mainlands. She did it. In her 90s. Not on a gathering visit yet independently going with her sister. After each excursion, she gave a program for our gathering, total with her take-aways on culture and the individuals. I've a few thoughts on different approaches to help disposition on maturing. Peruse books about individuals who have made progress further down the road. Search out volunteer open doors in the network, including libraries, schools, temples, expressions of the human experience, or social associations. Discover good examples in your town who are living full, rich, gainful lives in their senior years. Converse with them. Tune in to their accounts. Take and use what rouses you. Take a class in something you generally needed to learn. Remain dynamic. I as of late began a yoga class where the age runs from 50s to about 80. Superbly inspiring and fortifying. Regardless of whether we are resolved to remain in the workforce after _ (you pick the number) or resign at _ (likewise), isn't maturing actually a procedure of turning out to be and proceeding to address life's difficulties and make the most of life's wonders? Beverly and Henry unquestionably are!

Monday, July 6, 2020

5 Ways to Give Your Digital Marketing Career a Boost

5 Ways to Give Your Digital Marketing Career a Boost 5 Ways to Give Your Digital Marketing Career a Boost Advanced showcasing is a generally new industry, which implies there is little in the method of uniform, set up strategies for improving your computerized promoting profession. As a rule, that is the situation for any profession in any field. Our vocations rely upon our individual characters and capacities. They create at various paces as indicated by a wide range of factors, some inside our control and some not. All things considered, there are a couple of brilliant principles you should remember while seeking after a computerized showcasing profession, regardless of what your identity is: 1. Improve Your Skills Continuously In the event that you want customers or businesses to pick you over your rivals, you have to demonstrate you comprehend what youre doing. This is the reason you have to continue improving your abilities after some time. One incredible approach to do that is to put resources into gaining the correct affirmations. Aside from boosting your insight, these affirmations will likewise assist you with situating yourself as an expert in the field. Here are a couple of famous courses you should look at: HubSpots Inbound Marketing Certification HubSpots Content Marketing Certification HubSpots Contextual Marketing Certification Hootsuites Social Marketing Certification Google Analytics Individual Qualification Google AdWords Fundamentals Content Marketing Institutes Online Certification 2. Become a T-Shaped Marketer Computerized showcasing is a monstrous field. Website improvement (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), copywriting, content turn of events, and web based life showcasing are only a portion of its significant branches. Turning into a specialist in every one of these fields is incomprehensible, however you can turn into a T-molded marketer: someone who has a general information on various promoting disciplines but specializes in a couple of fields. Lets state you appreciate experimental writing and directing investigations. All things considered, the job of a substance advertiser is ideal for you. You should have some fundamental information on third party referencing, web based life showcasing, and influencer inquire about, however your main specialization would be producing significant, connecting with, and enlightening substance that sticks out. 3. Keep steady over Industry Trends Computerized showcasing evolves quickly, and on the off chance that you dont keep pace, you will fall behind your competitors. To keep steady over the most recent news and improvements, you should follow definitive advanced advertising destinations, for example, Web search tool Land Web search tool Journal Content Marketing Institute Advanced Marketing Institute Refined HubSpot 4. Track Your Metrics Lets state youre running a PPC battle for one of your customers. On the off chance that your advanced advertising group doesnt incorporate an information investigator, you have to monitor your measurements yourself. This is significant for a couple of reasons. To begin with, your customers need you to evaluate the adequacy of your technique and compute the ROI for their crusades. Second, by setting clear PPC benchmarks, you will have the option to recognize and address shortcomings in your system. To put it plainly, to accomplish the ideal objectives, you have to comprehend your measurements. On the off chance that youre not certain which ones to track and how, investigate the courses gave by Google Analytics or HubSpot. 5. Construct a Solid Personal Brand When you enter the advanced advertising field, you have to figure out how to transcend the opposition. One of the best approaches to do so is to mark yourself. The initial phase in marking yourself is cleaning your LinkedIn profile. As the principle proficient interpersonal organization, LinkedIn permits you to get yourself took note. It can even fill in as your online resume, given that a large number of organizations utilize the webpage to discover up-and-comers. To receive the rewards of your LinkedIn profile, you should: Pick an expert looking profile photograph Compose an eye catching rundown Rundown the aptitudes applicable to your computerized advertising profession, and ensure you get a lot of supports to help your believability Dont constrain yourself to interfacing with individuals you know; manufacture associations with new associations who work in specialties identified with your own Connect with your devotees by sharing significant substance, just as enjoying and commenting on their exercises. Having an executioner LinkedIn profile is a need, yet its insufficient all alone to manufacture an individual brand that sticks out. Basically, all LinkedIn accounts resemble the other the same, so you cannot genuinely communicate your uniqueness on the stage. That is the reason, notwithstanding an incredible LinkedIn profile, you need a drawing in close to home site. Your site is about you. It lets you present yourself anyway you need, underscoring your positive customer encounters and demonstrating your validity with high-quality substance. In particular, it will soar your perceivability in the internet searcher results pages. Decisively hence, its consistently a decent idea to utilize your own name as your space name. Along these lines, your site will likely be the first thing people find when they Google your name. - While the entirety of the above will assist you with standing apart as an advanced advertiser, remember that turning into an innovator in the field requires a long-term speculation. To succeed, you need enthusiasm and duty. Continually improve your insight, monitor patterns, screen your major key execution markers, and build a strong individual brand. In the event that you do those things, youll excel. David Webb is a business advisor, promoting expert, and an essayist. He is an editorial manager in-boss at BizzmarkBlog. You can contact him on Twitter or Facebook.